Do some homework before you come. Find out if your favorite items are available or not, there are plenty of people to ask at school and numerous websites to do research. You may be surprised that many things are available – but sometimes you may be out of look.
As a school we are well resourced, by all means bring your favorite books but there is no need to think too much about resources and teaching materials.
There are many new and exciting things to see and do. there are also many links to home should you feel a little homesick and need a “western boost” fast food chains, coffee shops, and recognized brands can be found everywhere.
Be aware of the heat and weather; bring clothes that are suitable not only for the weather but also for school. Of course you need your beach wear too.
The School Library has many books that you can borrow to help you get around Bangkok and to plan your weekends away and vacations too, use the service to get settled.
Remember relocating is stressful and at times frustrating; the culture is very different and takes time to understand and feel comfortable with. Give yourself time, remain open minded and flexible and above all smile you are in Thailand after all 🙂
The following pages will provide you with information about your move and to help you settle in faster…