To support for the innovative channel for teaching and learning, KIS provides both computer and Internet access (World Wide Web and e-mail) for staff through the local KIS network (in the labs, the libraries, staff rooms and the classrooms). Staff should familiarize themselves with the system to ensure they are able to access and communicate information. Training is provided either on professional days or at your request by sending an e-mail to kissupport@kis.ac.th

The School respects the users right to privacy, but reminds staff that the use of passwords does not indicate that a message is confidential and others than the intended recipient may read that e-mail. KIS reserves the right to access all computer files.

Staff are also reminded that the use of social networks such as MSN messenger, Facebook and other similar applications are not allowed to be used in school time. If you have any problems with the school’s computer system, hardware or software, you need to inform the ICT Department by sending an e-mail to kissupport@kis.ac.th. ICT Coordinator or System Support may be called directly only if it is an emergency case.

Standard Applications on KIS Computers

  • Operating System (OS): Linux (classrooms), Windows and Linux (Computer Labs, Staff Rooms and Libraries), MacOS (SS Lab)
  • Web Browser: Chrome/Chromium, Firefox
  • E-mail: Webmail and Thunderbird
  • Office Suite: WPS Office / Libre Office – Word, Spreadsheets, Presentation, Database
  • Desktop Publishing: Libre Office Draw
  • Multimedia: Audacity, VLC Media Player, Movie Player
    Graphic: GIMP, Image Viewer, DigiKam,
  • CD/DVD Burning: K3B
  • PDF reader: Document Viewer and Adobe Reader 10


Most of our standard applications are Open Source software that work on multi-platform. You can download them to install on your computer at our KIS Download Centre

iPad Programme in Primary School

In keeping with the KIS mission and strategic plan to provide multiple platforms for student use, KIS will offer iPads as a tool for learning, research and classroom support. This programme will enhance the ICT facilities and resources for teachers and students adding a third platform along with Linux and Windows for use in learning. Each teacher is issued with a Chromebook once the arrive at school. The student iPads are to be used effectively as a part of the programme, providing a unique and powerful opportunity to enhance student learning throughout the Primary School with the aim of enhancing technology opportunities, and the scope of learning through the discriminate and routine use of iPads as well as providing opportunities to further developing 21st century learning skills in all students. Each classroom is equipped with an LCD projector, screen and Apple TV device for sharing. We currently have i Pad carts and chromebooks in every Primary grade.

The adoption of open-ended learning practices is central to the purpose of the iPad programme at KIS. It is therefore an expectation that all teachers will familiarize themselves with, and use the iPad as tool to support learning. Applications will be purchased and used as additional tools that facilitate learning. Technical support and outside assistance will be provided where and when required.

One-To-One Laptops in Secondary School

All secondary school students (G6-G12) are required to bring their own laptops to school. Our one-to-one laptop programme is aimed at providing the opportunity for our students to enter a new world of curriculum possibilities and promote authentic engagement within a digitalized global society. Learning experiences across the school are purposefully designed to incorporate the use of information and communication technologies which enhance engagement. Each student is supported to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, practices and attitudes necessary to be an engaged, robust 21st century citizen.